Is a Russian Attorney-at-Law, former Chief of Human Rights Defense NGO “Spravedlivost” (“Justice”). Mr. Stolbunov earned his Master’s Degree of Jurisprudence in 2003 from Moscow New Law Institute, Moscow. In 2011, he successfully completed an advanced course, “Legal Basics of NGO Activity”, at The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
From 2006 to 2017, Mr. Stolbunov was a Chairman of the Human Rights NGO “Spravedlivost” (Justice), Moscow, Russia. The NGO has been developing new technologies to facilitate public inquiry that would target corruption. Stolbunov is a former Editor–In-Chief of “Public and Legal Portal Justice”, and a former member of the working group of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, where he participated in the drafting of the legislation on public monitoring of the government.
From 2007 to 2013 Stolbunov was an expert for Public Chamber of Russian Federation (Government-based group of mediators between state and society). He is a former Expert guest at the following television channels: Channel One, Russia 24, TV Center, and a contributing expert for Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Russian Newspaper), Novye Izvestia (New Izvestia), Novaya Gazeta (New Gazette) etc.
Stolbunov currently resides in the USA, having fled an unlawful criminal prosecution on trumped-up charges. These charges followed his proactive struggle for the rights of the citizens of the Russia that fell victim to the corrupt Russian government. Since 2003, he has been practicing law in areas including protecting the interests of companies subject to hostile takeovers (corporate raiding), as well as consulting for commercial and not-for-profit organizations and defense in criminal proceedings.
Currently Mr. Stolbunov is an attorney licensed to practice and consult on Russian law, is a member of the Moscow Regional Bar Association, and Co-Founding partner and Vice-Chairman (as of 2016 off counsel) to Moscow-based law firm, Law and Person. He is an author on Russia-related legal topics (Forum Daily, New York), consultant and contributing author on Russian law and human rights issues for Committee for Russian Economic Freedom.